See to Learn®
At Omaha Primary EyeCare, we’re proud to be participating providers of See to Learn®, developed by the Eye Care Council as a preventative program to help make sure every child’s early education is unaffected by vision problems.

Eighty percent of a child’s learning ability relies on vision. See to Learn® prioritizes catching eye issues early to allow for the implantation of early treatment, therefore setting a child up for optimal learning potential throughout their growth and development.
What is See to Learn®?
Through See to Learn®, parents/guardians can schedule a FREE vision assessment for their 3-year-old child at a participating optometrist’s office. At this assessment, our optometrists will screen for early-stage eye issues using age-appropriate tools and tests. We’ll evaluate your child’s eyes to make sure they are operating well both independently and together, tracking properly, and seeing clearly.
What are the benefits of See to Learn®?
In addition to assessing your child’s eyes for overall health and visual acuity, See to Learn® offers resources for ensuring your child has a clear path to learning. The program’s three-step system has helped more than 60,000 school-aged children join their first classrooms free of vision-related problems.
- Step 1: Stay vigilant. See to Learn® empowers parents, guardians, and educators to recognize the signs of vision problems in children and provides resources to keep them informed about common symptoms that can crop up at any age.
- Step 2: Get the test. Three-year-olds are given a free vision assessment from a participating Eye Care Council optometrist, including Omaha Primary EyeCare. Early detection is key, as serious conditions like amblyopia (lazy eye) and strabismus (turned eye) require intervention before age five.
- Step 3: Follow up. Before or during a child’s first year of school, See to Learn® encourages parents/guardians to schedule an examination with an optometrist. Every year, 25 percent of starting kindergartners have vision issues affecting their ability to learn, which may not be detected in school-performed screenings.
Schedule your child’s See to Learn® assessment
Be proactive about your child’s eye health and schedule a See to Learn® assessment for your 3-year-old at Omaha Primary EyeCare.